The College of Medical Laboratory Technologists of Alberta (CMLTA) is the regulatory body for medical laboratory technologists (MLTs) employed in Alberta.
Only individuals with a valid CMLTA registration and MLT practice permit can practice as an MLT in Alberta and use the protected titles “medical laboratory technologist” and “MLT”. It is unlawful for an individual to practice as a medical laboratory technologist or to expressly or implicitly present themselves as an MLT without CMLTA registration.
Becoming a regulated member of the College of Medical Laboratory Technologists of Alberta (CMLTA) is a legal requirement for any individual to be employed and practice as a medical laboratory technologist (MLT) in Alberta.
Professional conduct and formal discipline refers to the standardized and structured processes to adjudicate complaints of unprofessional conduct directed against regulated members and the various avenues of complaint disposition pursuant to Part 4 of the Health Professions Act.
The College of Medical Laboratory Technologists of Alberta (CMLTA) is the regulatory body for medical laboratory technologists (MLTs) employed in Alberta.
The CMLTA protects and serves the public, patients, and our regulated members by setting entrance to practice requirements, creating and enforcing a Continuing Competence Program, and instituting a formal process for the adjudication of complaints of unprofessional conduct.
Professional regulation is one measure to assure the public MLTs provide safe, competent, and ethical healthcare services.
Major landmarks across Canada will light up in indigo to celebrate NMLW. MLTs are experts and key figures in every patient’s journey, and there is no doubt their work is essential for a well-functioning healthcare system.
Are you interested in volunteering for the CMLTA Council? Please review the Governance Training Modules as they explain the roles of the CMLTA and Council and submit a nomination form by June 8.
MLTs perform laboratory analyses and provide clinicians with accurate and reliable test results upon which 85% of decisions regarding diagnosis and/or treatment are based. MLTs are employed in a variety of laboratory settings, such as hospital laboratories, public and private clinical institutions, research facilities, and as educators teaching the profession of medical laboratory science to future practitioners. MLTs are formally trained in one or more of the following areas.
Click here for a description of the above areas of practice.
Becoming a regulated member of the College of Medical Laboratory Technologists of Alberta (CMLTA) is a legal requirement for any individual to be employed and practice as a medical laboratory technologist (MLT) in Alberta.
Only individuals with a valid CMLTA registration and MLT practice permit can practice as an MLT in Alberta and use the protected titles “medical laboratory technologist” and “MLT”. It is unlawful for an individual to practice as a medical laboratory technologist or to expressly or implicitly present themselves as an MLT without CMLTA registration.
Legislation sets forth the requirements for mandatory registration as a regulated member and CMLTA policy further defines the requirements and specific parameters Council deems essential for all MLTs. Part 2 of the Health Professions Act pertains to registration and outlines in detail the criteria and parameters applicable to initial registration, annual renewal, and reinstatement applications.
The College of Medical Laboratory Technologists of Alberta (CMLTA) is the regulatory body for Medical Laboratory Technologists (MLTs) employed in Alberta.
We wish to acknowledge that the land on which the CMLTA office is located is Treaty 6 territory and a traditional meeting ground for many Indigenous people. This is home to the Cree, Blackfoot, and Metis, as it is for the Nakoda, Tsuu T’ina, Chipewyan, and other Indigenous people. Their spiritual and practical relationships to the land create a rich heritage for our life as a community.
301-9426 51 Avenue NW,
Edmonton, Alberta
T6E 5A6
Phone: 780-435-5452
Toll Free: 1-800-265-9351
Fax: 780-437-1442
© 2025 All Rights Reserved. College of Medical Laboratory Technologists of Alberta.