In 1999, the Health Professions Act (HPA) was proclaimed in the Alberta legislature which gave legislated authority to all regulatory bodies named in it. The HPA sets out common rules for healthcare professionals to self-govern and establish standards for:
Most importantly, this legislation establishes the foundational framework for Alberta’s health regulatory Colleges to ensure practitioners provide safe, competent, and ethical healthcare services to the public.
On March 1, 2002, medical laboratory technologists became the second group of professionals to come under the HPA, with the proclamation of the Medical Laboratory Technologists Profession Regulation.
Together these two pieces of legislation govern the practice of the MLT profession in Alberta; however, they are not the only legislation that applies to an MLT’s practice. The following provides for a more in depth look at the applicable legislation.
Medical Laboratory Technologists Profession Regulation
Protection for Persons in Care Act
Alberta Occupational Health and Safety Act
Personal Information Protection Act
Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act
To complement and comply with our governing legislation, the CMLTA has developed Bylaws respecting the governance of the organization, specifically the management and conduct of its affairs and the practice requirements and professional obligations of MLTs.
The current Bylaws and any proposed amendments may be viewed by clicking on the link(s) below.
The College of Medical Laboratory Technologists of Alberta (CMLTA) is the regulatory body for Medical Laboratory Technologists (MLTs) employed in Alberta.
We wish to acknowledge that the land on which the CMLTA office is located is Treaty 6 territory and a traditional meeting ground for many Indigenous people. This is home to the Cree, Blackfoot, and Metis, as it is for the Nakoda, Tsuu T’ina, Chipewyan, and other Indigenous people. Their spiritual and practical relationships to the land create a rich heritage for our life as a community.
301-9426 51 Avenue NW,
Edmonton, Alberta
T6E 5A6
Phone: 780-435-5452
Toll Free: 1-800-265-9351
Fax: 780-437-1442
© 2025 All Rights Reserved. College of Medical Laboratory Technologists of Alberta.