Professional Liability Insurance

Effective January 1, 2024, it is a requirement for MLTs in Alberta to have PLI for $5,000,000.

The HPA requires that the CMLTA must have a bylaw that sets the type and amount of liability insurance required for the profession. Professional Liability Insurance (PLI) protects the public by providing them with financial compensation if damages are caused by your professional actions. PLI also protects you as a professional in these instances as your insurance will cover the cost of those damages. Most health professionals in Canada are required to carry PLI.

Lloyd Sadd Insurance has developed an MLT Professional Liability Insurance (PLI) Program for MLTs in Alberta that meets the CMLTA’s PLI requirements in the bylaws. The Lloyd Sadd PLI option costs $110 per year ($100 premium + $10 service fee) and includes professional liability coverage of up to $5,000,000 per claim and disciplinary expense coverage up to $50,000 if you are the subject of a complaint of unprofessional conduct. For more information, please see the bulletin from the company. To purchase this insurance please go to

Other PLI options available:

CSMLS also has a PLI insurance plan for their members that meets the CMLTA PLI requirements. Please note that CSMLS exclusively offers PLI to its members, so obtaining this insurance will require becoming a CSMLS member, which currently costs $172, in addition to the insurance premium of $27 ($199 total). The CSMLS plan also includes liability coverage of up to $5,000,000 per occurrence and disciplinary expense coverage up to $50,000 if you are the subject of a complaint of unprofessional conduct. For more information about the CSMLS PLI program please visit . Insurance can be purchased through their member portal.

Private Insurance Providers may also be able to offer you coverage. The costs for PLI through private insurance providers will vary.

Your employer’s policy may meet the requirements of the PLI requirements. We have confirmed that AHS/APL insurance will meet the requirements of the current CMLTA PLI requirements, however, employers have asked us to confirm that there will be no coverage should you be the subject of a complaint of unprofessional conduct.

Benefits of carrying your own PLI (even if you are covered by your employer)

Your employer’s insurance will likely not cover the cost to defend you if a complaint of unprofessional conduct is made against you. One benefit to getting your own PLI is that most plans will cover legal costs to defend you against a complaint of unprofessional conduct made to the CMLTA.

It is also important to note that there are some exemptions from this coverage for most PLI providers such as criminal activity or complaints of sexual abuse and sexual misconduct. Make sure you check with your insurance provider and understand your policy!

The CMLTA PLI requirement, as stated in Bylaw 8.2 is:

An applicant for registration or the regulated member must have professional liability insurance themselves directly or through their employing agency at a minimum of $5,000,000 per occurrence.

* Don’t forget, the deadline to have your PLI in place is January 1, 2024. If you do not have the required PLI by this date you could be the subject of a complaint as failing to meet this requirement is considered unprofessional conduct. *

We're available to answer your questions

Contact CMLTA

The College of Medical Laboratory Technologists of Alberta (CMLTA) is the regulatory body for Medical Laboratory Technologists (MLTs) employed in Alberta.

Treaty 6

We wish to acknowledge that the land on which the CMLTA office is located is Treaty 6 territory and a traditional meeting ground for many Indigenous people. This is home to the Cree, Blackfoot, and Metis, as it is for the Nakoda, Tsuu T’ina, Chipewyan, and other Indigenous people. Their spiritual and practical relationships to the land create a rich heritage for our life as a community.

Contact Information

301-9426 51 Avenue NW,
Edmonton, Alberta
T6E 5A6

Phone: 780-435-5452
Toll Free: 1-800-265-9351
Fax: 780-437-1442

© 2025 All Rights Reserved. College of Medical Laboratory Technologists of Alberta.